Can I tag trees?
All of our customers are friendly folks, so we're forced to conclude that local wildlife is responsible for the occasional removal of tags from marked trees. In any case, we no longer offer tags and if you choose to tag a tree on your own, we can't guarantee that it will remain uncut.
Do you offer bailing or shaking?
We have a shaker and are happy to help you rid your tree of stray leaves and needles. We don't offer baling, but we can help you tie your tree to your roof.
Can you cut my tree for me?
If you need a tree cut, please let us know right when you arrive--that helps us plan for the time required to cut a tree while still helping our other customers.
How tall are your trees?
Most of our trees are between 5 and 8 feet tall, which is right in the range that fits most homes. We do have a few taller trees - ask the staff when you visit for the best places to look for them.
What kind of trees do you sell?
Most of our trees are frasier firs, but we do have some concolors. Read more here.
Do you accept credit cards?
At this time, we are unable to accept anything other than cash or check as payment.
Do you allow pets on the farm?
We love pets! By all means, bring your dogs, cats, miniature goats, or what have you. But please don't leave us any extra piles of fertilizer lying around.
Do you sell firewood?
We do sometimes have wood available for purchase. If you're interested, please email us at
Do you sell greenery for wreaths?
We usually have some extra boughs lying around! You're welcome to them when you're buying a tree.
Can I use your farm for a photography session?
Allen Tree Farm makes a great backdrop for your family Christmas card! If you want to set up a time to visit, email us at